Brexit And International Parcel Delivery

international parcel delivery

Any haulage, courier service or international parcel delivery service has a right to feel a little concerned about the looming cut-off date for Britain leaving Europe. Brexit seems to have been going on so long we have all become a little fed up with hearing about talks that just don’t seem to be getting anywhere at all. Plus, the fact Covid-19 has been uppermost in everyone’s minds across the globe for the past 9 months, it almost seems a forgotten topic of interest. But there will be changes which all exporters, courier services and international parcel delivery services will need to act upon before the leaving date of January 31st.

When will we leave the EU?

Technically, we did in fact leave Europe on January 31st 2020 (“when we got Europe done” as Boris Johnson has been telling us). Our relationship with Europe has remained the same but with the question of deal or no deal still hanging over us, the final cut-off point is now December 31st 2020. So, with the talks still taking place we are all in the dark as to exactly what the landscape will look like in its entirety when the UK venture’s out alone.

International courier service preparations

Here at Same-Day Dispatch services Ltd, international parcel delivery is a core part of our services. We work closely with UK businesses and private consumers to ensure that we are prepared for any up-and-coming changes when it comes to delivery in Europe. As we are so close to the Brexit finish line there is a great deal of scaremongering going on, possibly misinformation and uncertainty as to where we are headed. So clarity about any change in logistics that will allow our clients supply chain to continue is essential.

Deal or no Deal and international parcel delivery?

Clearly for anyone exporting or importing through Europe, a deal appears to be the best option for adhering to current custom procedures and keeping future freight issues to a minimum. But for some time now, the Brexit talks seem to have got stuck with no side giving way. If we have to face “No deal” we could have to face tariffs on any goods exported to the EU and there could be chaos at the borders of Ireland and France as new customs procedures are put in place. Kent could be hit hard as could Hollyhead in Anglesey. To minimise problems with haulage and to prevent lorries queuing at the border, Michael Gove has instigated a plan where lorries require permits to enter Kent.

What can the International delivery industry know for sure?

When we were truly a part of Europe, people and goods from the UK could move freely within the EU. Border checks were kept to a minimum and there was little need for heavy documentation. However, when we leave the EU, this will change. This is likely to make exporting to the EU more complex and put much more pressure on UK ports.  All major International parcel delivery services and freight companies use pallets to move consignments and it is pallets which will be hit by new rules outside Europe.

A fundamental tool of an international parcel delivery service, freight company or courier service, the humble pallet will need to be certified. Indeed when countries export into to the EU, the pallets they use must meet ISPM15 standards. This will mean extra documentation and extra steps within the delivery service. International parcel delivery services could reduce complexities in logistics by buying certified pallets from the outset. Or they could also consider plastic pallets as they do not need to be certified. And there is a lot to be said for plastic pallets:  they are cost-effective; they last longer than their wooden cousins and by default they are more environmentally friendly.

So, as we all think a little outside of the box as the Brexit dateline looms, we may find a few tweaks to our normal supply chain may well offer a silver lining amongst all the doom and gloom.

Come back to us to view future changes from brexit

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October 2024